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Upper Cervical Care
Orthospinology is a sub-specialty of the chiropractic profession, focusing on aligning the upper cervical spine. It is one of several upper cervical procedures utilizing radiographs (x-ray films) of the top two bones of the neck and the base of the skull (the upper cervical spine) to determine a misalignment or subluxation that may create interference to the functioning the nervous system.
Precision Upper Cervical Health Solutions
Upper cervical care is a rapidly growing form of treatment that focuses on the intimate relationship between the first two bones in the neck called the upper cervical spine. These top two vertebrae are known as the atlas and axis. They are especially vulnerable to injury or misalignment because they are the most movable segments in your spine. The most valuable part of our nervous system, the brainstem, rests gently inside these two bones. The brainstem works by sending signals back and forth between the brain and spinal cord to every cell, organ and system in the body. When these two vertebrae become misaligned it may cause pressure or a pinching on the brainstem. When this happens the brain is unable to communicate with the body.
An upper cervical correction maintains head and neck alignment which in turn allows the brain to communicate efficiently with all parts of the body without interference. This correction is pain free and does not involve any twisting or jerking motion of the neck.
Schedule a Consultation Today!
Do you or someone that you love suffer from neck pain or lower back pain? Staying in adjustment is a wonderful thing and can affect so many things. It may feel like you're a new person with a fresh body. Contact us now to schedule your consultation.